Humility Survey

Here is a survey we’ll be using in our class on Sunday. Hope it is encouraging and beneficial to you.  Many blessings as you strive for spiritual maturity in this important area of our lives.

Humility Survey – Am I Humble?

Humility in the abstract matters little; it’s how humbly we act in normal, everyday circumstances that determines whether we build up or tear down those we love.  It’s worth considering how we would handle some true-to-life situations where we have a choice to act with pride or humility.

1. If someone else tells a story about something he achieved or acquired, I usually…

a. Interrupt to top his story with an even more impressive story about myself.
b. Say nothing but let my body language convey that I don’t think much of the story.
c. Show interest and ask questions.

2.  At work, when higher-ups are around, I usually…

a. Try to make myself look good, even if it means taking credit for others’ accomplishments.
b. Mention my own work for the company, when given an opening.
c. Point out the contribution of others, while letting my own actions speak for themselves.

3.  When a family member or close friend has achieved something in an area where I like to excel myself, I usually…

a. Find fault with her accomplishment and then try to turn the attention to myself.
b. Ignore her achievement.
c. Congratulate her and make sure others learn of what she has done.

4.  If someone I dislike fails at something, I usually…

a. Consider how his failing might benefit me.
b. Casually mention the incident to someone else.
c. Look for an opportunity to affirm him.

5.  When I become aware of a weakness or failing in myself, I usually…

a. Think about who might have contributed to the weakness.
b. Try not to think about it at all.
c. Take steps to correct that weakness in the future.

Give yourself zero points for each “a” answer; one point for each “b” answer and two points for each “c” answer.  The higher your score, the farther along you may be on the road to genuine humility.

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