Mushrooms: Insignificant…or Not?

Hello, friends!

As you may know, I went on an early morning walk in the park again, where I saw another (or the same?) bunny rabbit nibbling on breakfast as I wound my way around the trail at Forest Community Park.  Since I didn’t have my camera with me on the path, I just basked in the beauty of that sight for a few moments until the little creature decided to head back into the woods.  I thanked the Lord for another opportunity to see His hand in nature.

I did make note of some little mushrooms that caught my eye as I went further along in my journey.  I thought, “How small and insignificant they are!”  And then I remembered that nothing God creates is insignificant, especially those created in His image – you and I.  Did these mushrooms take much of God’s time to create?  Did He have to think a long time before deciding how to arrange their DNA so they would be a certain color, height or texture?  I don’t know, but I do know this:  God is wonderfully creative and cares about His creations whether big or little, inanimate or fully human.  Below is just a glimpse of what brought all of this to mind:

Do the colors seem ordinary?  Is this just a bland scene?  Would anyone say these are beautiful?  Well, let’s explore these questions:  Ordinary in color?  Yes.  A fairly bland scene?  Yes, nothing to truly draw your attention to them. Who’d say they are beautiful?  God and I would.  God even thinks they are perfect in His eyes!

When I think about all the detail with which these wonderful plants have been made, they ARE a work of beauty – His work.  It gives me pause to thank God for taking the time to place those little gems along the path today to bring my thoughts back to Him, our gracious and awesome Creator.

Am I sad that I wasn’t able to take a picture of the little rabbit this morning?  Maybe a little.  But I can hold onto that image, and although I can’t post it here, it will be forever posted on the canvas of my mind.

Will you join me in prayer?

“Thank you, dear Father, for all the little things You do for us each day.  May we be ever mindful of Your presence in our lives and in the minute details of Your creations we find as we journey along each day’s path. You are Mighty and Powerful, and Your love is abounding.  Continue to remind us of your Presence as we go through each portion of our day.”

Just look – you’ll see evidence of His hand and experience His presence if you are truly a child of the King.

What are you thankful for today?  I’d love to hear from you.  🙂

In His service,




















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